What are the channel flows?

The flow of physical goods and services, titles, promotions, information and payments along a distribution channel. The following figure shows the channel flows of the Monster Energy drink (and many other energy drink brands). Why is Monster's relationship with Coca-Cola so valuable? Each flow goes through bottlers and distributors to reach supermarkets, where the product will be available to consumers. By reviewing channel flows, we found that bottlers and distributors play a role in every flow.

Examples of the flows are listed below. Remember that while the consumer is the person who ultimately consumes the beverage, supermarkets, restaurants and other outlets are Coca-Cola customers. Information flow involves negotiation, sales conditions, advertising, etc. It is the flow of information within the channel between different intermediaries, consumers, manufacturers and suppliers.

It can be a comment, an assessment, a request or even a complaint from the consumer, and a response from the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer. Open channel flow can be classified and described in several ways depending on the change in the depth of the flow with respect to time and space. The mutual interaction between flow, channel and biota at different spatial and temporal scales, ranging from a grain of sediment to the scale of a riverbed, and from milliseconds to hundreds of years, complicates unequivocal studies of turbulent flows in natural environments. In business marketing channels, manufacturers sometimes use their own sellers to sell to industrial buyers.

Main channel flows vary laterally from the center to the margins, and many flow habitats may be present in hydrogeomorphically complex patches in secondary channels and backwaters, including areas of zero or near-zero flow. The reanalysis of model studies (Chanson, 200) suggests that the transition from neck flow to skim flow is a function of the height of the step and the slope of the channel. The resulting top-to-north kinematic indicators and the S-C tissues show how extensional tissues apparently form in an exhumation channel in a compressive tectonic environment.

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